Friday, December 26, 2008

364 days before Christmas 2009..again!

Christmas is over and vacation day officially starts today. Below are the Christmas gifts I got this Christmas and I hope there are more to come when I get back to work LOL:

1) Angela - Flower clip 2) Hobie - flower clip too 3) Geoff - 2 hot oil and Lindt chocolate 4) Elaine - V05 shampoo and conditioner 5) Mommy - face powder 6) Tita Alice and Tito Ton - C.D. perfume 7) Rex - Contra perfume(yesssss!) 8) Czarvic - purse/mini pouch 9) Ken - coin purse 10) Daiz - Mini calendar 11)Edwin - wind chime 12) Meg n Colin - earrings 13) Chammel or Rocha - Liniment 14) Chopsticks 15) Bobby - Cookies 16) Ronnie - K.K. GC 17) Xmas Party @ Discovery - a bonus Buffet breakfast and Wireless headset 18) Mamu - ballpen and candies 19) Safeway - Ham and Cheese

More to come on Dec. 27 and January 5..So thank you =)

By the way, Cebu Pacific's zero fare is back. It started on Dec. 24 and lasts until all seats are taken. Should have bought 3 (MNL-BORA) tickets as Christmas present for my cousin and my inaanak but it's too late...all dates are taken, the only promo days left are Mondays and Tuesdays and no more promo for the return flight =( Sigh

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas everyone! =) Thanks marianingning for the photo!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Twilight Soundtrack

Been crazy googling the title of the Edward-Bella prom night song and ended up downloading the whole soundtrack. =)

Here's the songlist:

1) Supermassive Black Hole by MUSE
- Played in the baseball scene
2) Decode by PARAMORE
- When the girls were shopping for dress(?)
3) Full Moon by BLACK GHOSTS
- I think this the first song played in the movie, Bella is on the road, just left Phoenix for Forks
4) Leave out all the Rest by LINKIN PARK
- Played during the ending, showing Victoria's pale yet pretty face (I LOVE THIS SONG, nice!)
5) Spotlight by MUTEMATH
- Sounds like this is also the song when Bella and Edward got out of the car together
6) Goin all the way(into Twilight) - PERRY FARREL
- Played during the prom
7) Tremble for my Beloved by COLLECTIVE SOUL
- Edward saves Bella from being crushed by the van
8) I caught myself by PARAMORE
- Also at Port Angeles when the girls were shopping(?)
9) Eyes on Fire by BLUE FOUNDATION
- The part where Bella looks for Edward in the parking lot then bitchy Alice, cutie Emmett and my crush, Alice and constipated Jasper threw glances at her
10) Never Think by ROB PATTINSON
- Yesss the hot Edward Cullen guy can sing, my gas! Played in the ballet studio when Bella almost died
11) Flightless Bird, American Mouth by IRON & WINE
- I love this! Makes me want to download more Iron & Wine songs
12) Bella's Lullaby by CARTER BURWELL
- Edward plays the piano
13) Let me Sign by ROB PATTINSON
- Edward Cullen again, a bonus track
- Another bonus track, Bella formally meets the Cullens
15) Clair de Lune by APM ORCHESTRA
- Played in Edward's bedroom

* More Fotos from Flicker

Friday, December 5, 2008

Have some habhab?

Having browsed through some of my old photos, I've found a few ones of myself eating Pancit Habhab during the Pahiyas Festival in Lucban, Quezon. This is the 'hardcore' way of eating it. They say, you really haven't been to Lucban if you have not eaten Pancit Habhab the Lucban way - you just have to eat it with your head bent down to be able to suck the noodles straight from the banana leaf and careful not to spill them all over your pretty (or handsome) face =)

Quezon is a a nearby town of Cavinti, Laguna. You can get to Lucban from Cavinti in 10 minutes by jeep. Cavinti is by the way, our province. It is a small town next to Pagsanjan, merely a 3hour-drive from Manila.

If you wanna try Pansit Habhab, you can try it at any Buddies Branches ----but if you wanna experience the real thing, then go to Lucban and have it the Habhab way.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Question of The Week 42

From Faye:

1. I want to see you. Can you post the very latest photo of yourself? Or link me up with your latest photo.

2. Do you remember what last week was? What?
- Happy happy happy coz I got something from HBun. Tiring coz of back pain.

3. Are you going to spend more money or less money than last year’s Holiday Season?
- 'Less' is Best for gifts. Urge for 'Splurge' for myself hehe.

4. Do you prefer your clocks/watches to be set on 12hr or 24hr time?
- 24hr time since college!

5. Do you like the funny junk mails that friends or relatives send you?
6. Have you ever fainted?
~ Never(but almost)
7. What other capital city aside from your own country you’ve been to already? What was it?

~ Bangkok, Central, KL, Singapore
8. When you see a number between around 1900 and 2050, do you automatically think of years?
~ Not really
9. How many hours of sleep do you get on average on weeknights?
~ 6 - 8 hours
10. Santa can only give you 3 things this Christmas and each gift can only be $15 or less. What are you going to get?
~ blouse, hair treatment, Spa GC

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wheatgrass Drink

I have come across this channel which replays an ad endlessly re:wheatgrass and its benefits. I was convinced! So I purchased a wheatgrass powder drink and plan to add this to my daily diet. I was contmeplating on getting the live wheatgrass at first and thought of juicing it myself but it's too time-consuming for me. What are the benefits of wheatgrass?

1) Life-Sustaining Complete Food

Wheatgrass is a concentrated source of health-giving nutrients. One serving delivers 17 kinds f amino acids, 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, fiber, chlorophyll and enzymes. You may also check

2) An easy way to eat Veggies

I love veggies, I can eat veggies for a week without feeling deprived of food. But then, you can't avoid but dine-out every now and then.

It is estimated that 15 lbs. of wheatgrass is equal to 150 lbs. of garden vegetables in nutritional value.

3) The King of Alkaline Food, Helps maintain PH Balance of the Body

According to one website, Chlorophyll can cure, help to cure, or improve burns, leg ulcers, trench mouth, tonsillitis, peptic ulcers, several types of vaginitis, urinary bladder diseases, high blood pressure, colitis, tooth decay, arthritis, athlete's foot, constipation, hay fever, rectal fissures, anemia, gas and "acidic" bowels, stomach and intestinal problems, laryngitis, ear problems and impetigo.

> Plants don't have blood, but they have something called chlorophyll instead. Amazingly, chlorophyll resembles hemoglobin in human red blood cells very, very closely.
> Since chlorophyll resembles hemoglobin so much, your body can quickly absorb it and utilize it to nourish your blood.
> Chlorophyll has strong anti-bacterial properties, which help to fight off infections inside your body.

Most of us have acidic body due to acid-forming foods, negative emotions and stressful lifestyle. Too much acid wastes hinder absorption of nutrients. Wheatgrass can neutralize acids more than most other fruits and vegetables.

4) Helps Prevent Cancer
Wheatgrass protects you from and fights against cancer. It has the highest level of ABSCISSIC ACID(whatever that is) due to its unique growing method.

5) Enhances Wound Healing, Good for The Skin Too

In World War II, wounded soldiers used chlorophyll deriviates topically and noticed loss of odor in foul-smelling wounds, faster healing and drying effect of pus and abscesses. Some legs are even saved from amputation. It is also useful to chronic ulcers and impetigo.

6) Great internal deodorant

IN a study reorted in the Journal of the American Geriartic Society in 1980, chlorophyll effectively controlled b.o. and fecal odor in 62 nursing home patients. Similarly, it is found that chlorophyll can be as good as any deodorant. It is discovered that chlorophyll extracts can neutralize offensive odors in foods, alcohol, and tobacco. Also, in patients and volunteers, it effectively neutralized bad breath, body odor from perspiration, menstrual odors and foul-smelling urines and stools.

I have purchased mine from a cable channel for 1,020 good for 30 days. Live wheatgrass can also be purchased at BIZU branches for 120/tray. You need a wheatgrass juicer for this which may cause you almost 4k. I inquired ealier and was told that I would need 3 servings of wheatgrass for a week so a total of P360 a week. I believe either Fruit Magic or Big Chill serves a shot of wheatgrass too. Try it!