Thursday, December 4, 2008

Question of The Week 42

From Faye:

1. I want to see you. Can you post the very latest photo of yourself? Or link me up with your latest photo.

2. Do you remember what last week was? What?
- Happy happy happy coz I got something from HBun. Tiring coz of back pain.

3. Are you going to spend more money or less money than last year’s Holiday Season?
- 'Less' is Best for gifts. Urge for 'Splurge' for myself hehe.

4. Do you prefer your clocks/watches to be set on 12hr or 24hr time?
- 24hr time since college!

5. Do you like the funny junk mails that friends or relatives send you?
6. Have you ever fainted?
~ Never(but almost)
7. What other capital city aside from your own country you’ve been to already? What was it?

~ Bangkok, Central, KL, Singapore
8. When you see a number between around 1900 and 2050, do you automatically think of years?
~ Not really
9. How many hours of sleep do you get on average on weeknights?
~ 6 - 8 hours
10. Santa can only give you 3 things this Christmas and each gift can only be $15 or less. What are you going to get?
~ blouse, hair treatment, Spa GC


ALiNe said...

more updates!!!!

ALiNe said...

ppssst clumiclick ako ads mo.. moc mo ko tom kung how much na..hehe

ana6elle said...

ay oo may ganun pala akong sinalihan?! joke!